It sucks staring at an empty page, doesn't it?

Let’s call it what it is: you’ve got writer’s block that just won’t let you get your head and heart in “a chord” (pun intended).

The truth is, you’re stuck in your own head, and nothing you play seems to come out “right” (pun not intended), it’s good enough (whatever that means to you), or it sounds like everything you’ve written. Does that sound like it tracks?

Writing your songs means you’ll have to get outside of yourself to look within. So, before you step behind a mic, you need to have a message. And before you have a message, you need to decide how you want to tell it.

I’m sorry that’s happening to you. but I’m also really glad you’re here.

a picture of a person displaying despair surrounded with smoke

I’m going to help you go from feeling anxious and dissonant, unraveling threads and chasing down loose ends.

…to feeling completely in flow. The reason you’re not right now is because you’re all locked up in your own head. With a little Koshiz Music, we can get you out of there so you can get the clarity you need to play those deep cuts that are reverberating in your heart.

I want to give you something that’s going to jump start your inspiration, flatten your creative blocks, and give you more room to be an artist, not a struggling songwriter.

Cover Songs You Can Call Your Own

Koshiz Music is a music publishing company and songwriting service that offers you the chance to take home original compositions, tracked-out recordings, and even fully customized songs.

Hi, my name is R. T. Freer. I’m a musician, producer, and a writer who specializes in the music of language. I’m eager to show you a few tricks of the trade that I picked up from my mentor – a retired songwriter from Nashville’s Music Row – to master the craft of songwriting.Learn more about me here.

Maybe, if we have more in common than I think we do, then I’ve already written your next song for you. Some are all fully tracked out and almost ready to go – all it needs need is you! Others are a bit more unpolished, but have great potential if you can shine them up.

All of my songs are available for you to remix, remaster, or just re-record entirely in your own style, whether that’s blues, hip-hop, rock, or country – everything I’m already well versed in.

Check Out Some of My Latest Work

Need fresh material you won’t find anywhere else? I’m ready to collaborate, using my bespoke lyrics and melodies tailored to cure your demoitis.

Need inspiration? Use one of my song ideas lay the foundation for your next masterpiece.

Right now you might be feeling locked up, but you and me are both going to walk out of here, freer, with your head and your heart in a chord.

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